Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Adventure: Post Surgery + One Year!

Well, the Adventure continues to continue!  It’s hard to believe but it’s been a year since I had surgery to remove my prostate and the cancer that went along with it.  Since then I’ve had 4 blood tests as part of the normal follow-up and all have proved to have a negligible result of PSA (prostate specific antigen).  And that’s very good news!

Also, the Veteran Affairs Department ruled on my claim for Agent Orange related prostate cancer and has awarded me special monthly compensation.  Only took about fifteen months, but considering the number of claims they’ve been inundated with, from not only us older veterans but from Iraq and Afghanistan vets, I’m pleased that it only took this long!  My Service Officer at the D.A.V. who handled my claim told me that in November alone the Seattle VA office processed 3,500 claims, but that they received 5,000!  So they were behind almost before they got started.

I decided quite a long time ago that when the claim came through I would get something that I have been thinking a long time about – a tattoo.  Not just any tattoo but one that had significance in my life experience.  I found one called the Veteran’s Cross that was described as one that Scottish warriors would have on them when they went into battle.  I chose it for several reasons – I am a Christian (the cross), I’m Irish with family ties to Scotland, I am a veteran of a 28 month combat tour and one with cancer (it’s on my the left shoulder), and I could customize it with the 225th’s patch colors (blue, red and gold).  Below is a photo of the finished work that I had done a few days ago. 

I thank God for his goodness and grace as I have progressed along this adventure called life!  I especially thank him for my family, for friends from the Army, for people I know and have known from lots of church communities and from my jobs.  And the fun hasn’t stopped yet!  The Adventure will certainly continue!

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