Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Post Library

Recently my wonderful wife Karin and I were in Barnes & Noble’s just browsing.  For me, book stores are wonderful places to spend time because I have found several books that have really interested me, and that I have read cover to cover very quickly.  Now understand that I have never been a very fast reader; in fact, I had taken a speed reading class while at community college in 1966 before I enlisted.  It didn’t seem to help much.

But when I find a subject that gets my attention like military history or a dog story or a presidential biography, I read cover to cover very quickly.  I’d like to tell you about 3 books that have recently impacted my life.....
The Admirals by Walter R. Borneman.  This is the story of Admirals Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy and King, the only men in US history to hold the rank of five-star fleet admiral.  These four men were responsible for building the modern US Navy and winning World War II on the seas.  It’s an amazing story of how these Annapolis graduates’ lives intertwined from the nineteenth into the twentieth century.
Stay: Lessons My Dogs Taught Me About Life, Loss and Grace by Dave Burchett.  The title intrigued me and I was not disappointed!  The author is the long-time director of Texas Rangers baseball broadcasts and is an excellent story teller.  He tells of how he journaled his life while his golden Lab Hannah had been diagnosed with terminal cancer...according to the vet she had only a few days, or at most weeks, to live.  He writes: “As I prepared for the inevitable loss of Hannah, I learned an eye-opening truth:  preparing for death is preparing for life.  God has revealed so much to me through this unique canine friendship.  God can teach us in many ways; all he really needs is an attentive listener.”  This is a thoughtful, quick, and often very funny read!
A Big Heart Open To God: An Interview with Pope Francis by Antonio Spadaro SJ. I have been fascinated by the popes who have been the head of the Roman Catholic church during my lifetime (I think there have been seven) but especially with the latest one, Pope Francis.  I am not sure why, except that the former Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina seems so different than the previous ones.  I believe he is genuinely interested in people and not exclusively the bureaucracy of the organized church.  I am not Catholic (I have been a Presbyterian for most of my life) but I would recommend this little book for a quick read.  You will see the authentic human side of a world leader that is seldom seen.

I hope you enjoy these, and feel free to let us know what other books you would recommend; me email is

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