Thursday, July 28, 2016

Retirement...A New Adventure!

Well, a new chapter in my life is beginning!  As Paul Harvey used to say, “And now the rest of the story...!”

I have worked as a Senior Administrative Assistant at Seattle Children’s Hospital since 2001.  About a year and a half ago I was put on what is called a “performance improvement plan” (PIP) because I had been missing completing tasks I had been asked to do and not realizing it.  I was surprised to say the least, but nevertheless I worked on strategies through which I was able to improve my ability to remember tasks that needed to be accomplished by using lists and other tangible reminders, like post-it notes, throughout the work day.  Short story: my performance improved.  Then at the end of March I was informed that my performance had slipped again and was put on paid administrative leave to have this downturn checked to see if there was a medical reason behind this.

Again, I was surprised and honestly upset because in the back of my mind I thought (though unjustifiably) that “they” were out to get me.  In fact, everyone around me only had my welfare in mind!  That weekend I talked with my bride of forty-three years and she said that she had noticed that I had been forgetting things intermittently as well. Karin and I met with my doctor who referred me to a neurologist; I had an MRI done and it was discovered that sometime in the last year and a half, unbeknownst to me, I had experienced two small strokes.  These affected my memory slightly, enough however to cause performance problems at my job at Children’s.

Seattle Children’s is an incredible organization!  I have been on leave since the last week in March, using short-term disability and paid time off, so a paycheck is still coming in.  I have been looking for a position at Children’s but so far have not found one (there are job postings on their internal intranet site that I have been checking several times a week).  The people in their HR department told me that they don’t think they will have a job that will accommodate me with the restrictions my doctors have indicated would be best for me in a work situation, so I have decided to officially retire when my paid leave runs out around the end of August.

Thus, a new adventure is starting!  I really have never felt to good....and young!  Among other things, I plan on working out regularly to better control my type 2 diabetes and get in generally better shape.  By the way, if you have not read The Gray Iron Fitness Newsletter (, check it out, it’s been very encouraging for me.  Back issues are at the following URL...

And now that I have more time on my hands (between completing items on my “honey-do” list) I’ll be writing on this blog more often too.  Please keep in touch by writing to, and I hope that I’ll see you in DC in about 7 weeks too!

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