Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Adventure Continues: Return to Work

I returned to work in Seattle Children's Hospital’s Emergency Department (ED) Administration Office on Wednesday, April 4th following eight weeks of recovery from my radical prostatectomy.  It was very good to be “back in the saddle” in front of my computer, going through emails, hearing about all that went on over the past two months.  The staff had two helium-filled balloons and some banners taped up in my area.  Our ED Admin Team did a fantastic job covering for me while I was away!  And I wasn’t overwhelmed with having to catch up on things!

I’ve been making some good recovery progress; I began going to the gym about a month ago and am doing some resistance exercises with increasing the weights incrementally to achieve some real workouts over time.  I get great satisfaction out of my gym visits.  Karin and I have also continued to participate in our Monday evening care group where we have just concluded a fairly in-depth study of the Gospel of John.  I posted earlier that my prostate specific antigen (PSA) was 0.05 when it was tested in mid-March, which was excellent news; hopefully it will remain at that level in June when I test again.

God has certainly answered the many prayers that people have prayed for Karin and me during this stressful “little-c” crisis we have been through.  The “big-C” (Jesus Christ) has been so faithful to hear and answer those prayers.  I certainly thank him for that and I thank you all for praying also!

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