Friday, October 14, 2011

Tha Adventure Continues ...

I’ve been thinking on how I wanted to write this next entry of my “Adventure”, since I told you last time that I was to go in to my urologist and have a biopsy to see if I had prostate cancer.  Well, on October 5th the biopsy was taken … not as unpleasant an experience that I had imagined, but I wouldn’t recommend it just for something to do if you have a couple of days off!  That was Wednesday, and Thursday I had decided to take off in case I was in any pain or discomfort (I would recommend taking the day after off).  Friday evening the doctor called me to let me know that he had received the pathology report, and it showed that I have an adenocarcinoma of the prostate.

I told Karin that the doctor called and that I had some bad news and some great news.  The bad news, of course, was that the test had come back positive for cancer (there’s that “c” word again), but that the great news was that I was a good candidate for surgery or radiation treatment.  Now I’m just new at this cancer stuff, but as I understand it I fall somewhere in the mid-range of severity, and that it is treatable!  The other great news was that I knew that somehow God was in the middle of this whole thing.

So, the load of unknowing had been lifted somewhat off our shoulders, but I’ll let you know that it is still not all that easy, as I am sure many of you who have experienced a potentially life threatening disease or situation already know.  I have my “up” moments and my “down” moments to be sure. There is a new song by Laura Story called “Blessings” that has really helped me in the past month or so.  She is talking to God when she sings in the chorus:

'Cause what if Your blessings come through raindrops

What if Your healing comes through tears

What if a thousand sleepless nights

Are what it takes to know You’re near

What if trials of this life are
Your mercies in disguise

Our raindrops have caused some tears and some sleepless nights, but, like I said in the previous article, Karin and I know that God through Jesus Christ (that big “C” word I spoke of) is near and involved in every circumstance in our lives, including that awful little “c” word!

I have also applied to the VA (through my Service Officer at the Disable American Veterans) for additional Special Monthly Compensation for prostate cancer as a presumed disease due to exposure to Agent Orange.  It's an easy process.  Take advantage of the VA if you haven't, you have earned it!

I’ll keep you posted as I begin treatment after we get back from the OV-1 Mohawk Association Reunion in Lost Wages, Nevada, next month.  The urologist said we would have to wait about 6 weeks after the biopsy to allow the wounds to completely heal before beginning treatment.  The adventure continues!

So, I encourage you, if you have not looked at a Bible in years, or even if you have, read the Gospel of St. John (it’s available online too!) to get to know Jesus.  He really is worth knowing, believe me! 

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