Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Forty years ago I was a 21-year-old soldier living in a war zone a million miles from home (or so it seemed). I had been with the 225th SAC Blackhawks for the first nine months of what was to become nearly two and a half years at Phu Hiep. There are, of course, many things I remember about that era of my life – and many memories that have gone away, too – but one of my fondest memories is of Thanksgiving dinner 1968. We had all the “fixins” that you need at any Thanksgiving feast…turkey, dressing, potatoes and pumpkin pie. We had one other ingredient too, that was our camaraderie as American soldiers serving our country.

As we gather with family and friends this Thanksgiving 2008, let’s pause and remember our fellow soldiers, sailors and airmen (and women) who are right now in harm’s way, defending our freedom and way of life.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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