Saturday, December 15, 2007

Remembering Christmas in Vietnam

Here is the first installment of recollections of spending Christmas in Vietnam as told by members of the 225th Surveillance Airplane Company, in their own words.  Thanks very much, Gentlemen, for your stories.  Any of you who would also like to share, please e-mail your story to me at 

Terry La Combe
    Having arrived in Viet Nam at Cam Ranh Bay in early December I remember that early morning stench that greeted us as we deplaned the heat and the smells were enough to make one recoil. I remember the groaning of us new boots. All the while on the flight there I thinking of my grandma who was dying and whom I visited the morning I left home for VN. Learning later that she watched over me until I arrived in VN and died at the same time we landed. How strange, but how wonderful too. I remember processing in country and then being moved to Nha Trang and while there waking to the sirens and us new boots afraid and no weapons with which to respond.
    I had injured my knee in training for VN in October and it bothered me very much and was all swollen up. I went to sick call after a SSgt. told me to. They admitted me to the hospital within my third day in county at Nha Trang. When Christmas Eve arrived, I was laying in traction in my bed. The day started routinely enough, however as the day progressed a sense of heaviness seemed to fill the air. Mid-afternoon we were told we would have a surprise. We learned that Johnnie Weismuller (Tarzan) would be in the hospital to visit us. He was mammoth, and nice, even sat on my bed for a minute and as fast the excitement began, it was over, he was gone! Then a Vietnamese general came to the hospital for a visit and presented each of us with a gift from him in appreciation of helping his country.
    Afternoon turned to early evening. Christmas music played and I recall hearing sniffles, and sounds of crying. I looked around and lots of guys had their heads covered and were remembering home and their own Christmas traditions, and missing those and more importantly missing and being separated from their family and friends. Around 2300 hours or 2359 hours we heard firing of lots of rifles only to scare us again, as we had no weapons in the hospital. To make matters worse we had heard rumors that the NVA and VC were going to attack Nha Trang and our base. Turned out it was only the ARVN's welcoming Christmas.
    While hospitalized I met a medic from Wisconsin (my state as well). We hit it off and felt like we knew each other. We were able to get to Mass that day too, and it was special. Then he brought me over to the mess hall in a wheel chair for a traditional Christmas dinner which was remarkably delicious. All ended well, and we felt Christmas and God had been good to us. So started my year deployment there.

Bill McNease
    My one and only Christmas in Vietnam was pretty nice. While I certainly missed being home with the family, my 225th family and I celebrated on a hot day.
    I was able to get a TO and fly to Saigon for some reason that escapes me. However, I was able to get us into the Bob Hope Christmas show. The show was very funny, great music and some pretty nice "round-eye" girls. I remember that Sammy Davis, Jr. was with Bob Hope and that everyone was just so excited to do something different.
    I will always remember what Bob Hope and his staff did for all the troops overseas for all the wars we had. He was able to bring a little of "the BIG BX" from the US, good looking girls and most importantly, the fact that someone cared for the fighting men and women in some far away place that none of wanted to be in.
    Merry Christmas to everyone. Bill McNease (CW2) Phantom Hawk 14

Charley Reasor
    I really don't have much to say about Thanksgiving or Christmas 1967 because I was with the 225th Avn at the time so, you know we were spoiled. I had already done my 11B20 and returned to 225th. After TET I was transferred to the 245th in DaNang for duration.
    I'm sorry but I don't have much to comment on.

Charley H Reasor Jr
Vietnam Veteran 1967-1968
SP-4 / E-4 US Army

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