Friday, August 15, 2008

The Reunion's Coming!

The 19th Annual OV-1 Mohawk Association Reunion in Portland, Oregon, will soon be here. Chris Walker, Reunion Director, tells me there are only a few of you Blackhawks/Phantomhawks registered so far. If you're planning on going, get your registrations in to him today!

Registration info is available online at So, hurry up, because there is simply too much beer for Joe Beckham and me to consume alone!

Phantomhawks Over Tuy Hoa AFB 1971

Terry Carlson Sent some great photos of our aircraft doing touch 'n' goes at Tuy Hoa AFB in May 1971. Remember when we thought the Air Force lived in the lap of luxury? Enjoy!

Friday, August 1, 2008

More Company Area Photos by John Ferguson

Here are some more great pictures that John Ferguson took of the Company Area and the base Chapel.